So, I noticed that I hadn't blog in a month today. There has been a lot going on with me lately, good and bad. Work has kept me busy and exhausted, while personal problems have left me vegging out on the couch, drowning my sorrows with frozen yogurt and coconut milk ice cream.
I hope to be fixing some things in my life that I feel are not supporting and nurturing my growth, ultimately making my life happier and more fulfilling. There are going to be a lot of changes, hardships, tough times, and new opportunities coming in the next month, possibly leaving less time than I have even had lately for blogging.
So for now, I plan to take a slight temporary hiatus from blogging, picking it back up when I have adventures and loveliness to share with you. Please send me all of your amazing, positive energies, because, well, I need all that I can get. I apologize, dear readers, for neglecting you the past month. I promise if you stick with me, it WILL be worth it.
Until then, peace, love, and happiness to you all.
Solstice in Talkeetna
Blogger sometimes deletes my posts, so here is just the pictures from last week...
Talkeetna Downtown |
Peace Love Hoops |
Relaxing on the river, sitting on a piece of driftwood |
Rainbow Moose |
Vera with a dirty nose, after hiding her leopard |
Where's the leopard? |
There he is!! |
Hooping on the shore, barefoot, toes in the sand, moving to the beautiful melodies of the moment.
Full Day All on My Terms
Yep, that's right; I had the day totally off (usually I work one job or the other) and boyfriend isn't here, so I had the *WHOLE* day completely to myself. And, well, the pup, too.
It all started wonderfully with a slight sleeping in, but waking early enough to have a cup of coffee ready to listen to today's Inspired Living Secrets lecture by Laura Hollick. I love her. She has this aura and vibe about her that just blows my mind; a total inspiration. I really like the series so far, even if I can't afford any of the $100 special offers, even though they are 75-90% off. The free stuff is where it is at, I tell you.
Wish in the Wind- Laura Hollick |
Then, after some pigging out on green smoothies and trail mix, I finally had the time to do some yoga: YAY!! It was an amazing sequence on YogaGlo that featured Chandra Namaskara (aka Moon Salutations) complimenting yesterday's Full Moon. Which, BTW, was also a Lunar Eclipse if you happened to live on the other side of the planet.
Even though the day started off cloudy and a bit rainy, it quickly turned around and ended up being quite the lovely day. I spent the afternoon lounging on the back deck with the pup and making some hoops. I only had enough tubing to make three, so a few orders will have to wait (sorry). Tuesday when I found out I am going to teach some drop-in classes at this bellydancing studio here in Wasilla, the girl also told me that I could sell hoops on consignment. That is where two of the three hoops I made are going and the third to a lovely lady going to Hawaii in a month. She gets the collapsible *smile*.
The day wasn't complete without cooking the best damn lentil burger I have ever had and vegging out while watching Spice World. Ha... gotta love Netflix. And yes, the Spice Girls were an old guilty pleasure and I love the movie, what can I say.
Now I am going to end the night with the tried and true ritual of watching a few hours of Medium before bed since boyfriend's gone (he hates the show for some reason). I should have a bunch of pics up after this weekend. We are heading out to Chickaloon for a Solstice party. I am so excited, I am going to fire hoop for the first time. And what better time to do my virgin burn than Solstice weekend. It is like honoring the Sun and the ending of the light half of the year while finally getting my burn on!!
Have a great weekend!!
Inspired Living Secrets
I have been extremely busy lately getting life together, trying to figure out where I am going, and pretty much being lazy whenever I get the chance. Unfortunately, blogging has been on the back burner. I hope to get more spare time soon so I can share all the crazy awesome stuff going on.
I wanted to take a few minutes and share this amazing webinar series that I have been listening to for the past week. If you are looking for inspirational people to help you create ways to build your dreams, I recommend you go check out Inspired Living Secrets. Every Tuesday and Thursday morning, there is a live one hour teleseminar that takes place. A new speaker every day talks about what they have to offer, their experiences, how they got to where they are, and priceless words of wisdom. It is excellent so far.
I have somehow gotten last Tuesday and Thursday off, and luckily I also have them off this week, so I get to enjoy listening to these awesome speakers again. I can't wait to listen to the speaker tomorrow. The series is so good, that on my day off I will get up before 8am just so I can tune in live.
For more information and to sign-up to receive access to the series click the banner below:
I wanted to take a few minutes and share this amazing webinar series that I have been listening to for the past week. If you are looking for inspirational people to help you create ways to build your dreams, I recommend you go check out Inspired Living Secrets. Every Tuesday and Thursday morning, there is a live one hour teleseminar that takes place. A new speaker every day talks about what they have to offer, their experiences, how they got to where they are, and priceless words of wisdom. It is excellent so far.
I have somehow gotten last Tuesday and Thursday off, and luckily I also have them off this week, so I get to enjoy listening to these awesome speakers again. I can't wait to listen to the speaker tomorrow. The series is so good, that on my day off I will get up before 8am just so I can tune in live.
For more information and to sign-up to receive access to the series click the banner below:
May you all have a fabulous week.
Oh, PS, you can now *like* Centric Hoops and Spin Gypsy Shoppe on Facebook!! Spread the word of hoop love!!
Good Things Will Come
Between working two jobs almost everyday and my laptop pretty much dying, I hadn't had the chance to blog. My apologies, dear readers. So here is the much anticipated story about how I got the chance to LED hoop for The Crystal Method, the experience, and mucho pics and vids. Enjoy!!
It all started when about a month ago, I found out that my favorite dj duo, The Crystal Method, were coming to play a few shows in Alaska. I went to a lot of raves and EDM parties when I lived in Virginia, and I was a bit blown away when I got to Alaska and figured out the scene here consisted of minors and heady (aka egotistical) promoters. So, you can understand, when I found out some internationally know djs, like TCM, were coming here, I was *stoked*. More like ecstatic, but we won't go there. Ok, I ran around my house like a crazy woman when I found out screaming "The Crystal Method's coming. The Crystal Method's coming..."
Come to find out, they were playing both of their Anchorage shows on the same weekend as Trapper Creek Bluegrass, which is a huge festival-slash-camping party-slash-hoop massive. All of our friends go and we actually took part in setting up the festival grounds this year; my boyfriend helped build the fire stage and I, along with some other fine festival ladies, painted signs (like "Leave no trace, clean your space" and "Pick up your trash, please.") and also did some trash pick-up from stragglers that had been using the property since the last festival.
Anywho, so it was pretty much impossible for me to pick going to TCBG on both Friday and Saturday night and NOT go to TCM. I mean, I couldn't miss TCM's debut in Alaska; it just wouldn't be right. I also got a bit flustered because, well, the show was three weeks away and I had *just* found out about it? I mean, where were the promoters? I hadn't heard one radio announcement (though, I don't really ever listen to the radio, but boyfriend does), nor had I seen one flyer for the event here in the Valley. I figured, with it being Trapper Creek weekend and pretty much limited promoting, how was the turn-out going to be? Lots of people had to come to show their support or the guys would never come back to Alaska. To me, all of this meant, not a good turnout=no good djs EVER coming back up here. And I couldn't possibly let that happen!!
Meanwhile, I had this stupendous idea to email the road manager for TCM and just nonchalantly mention that I was an LED hooper and that I would love the chance to hoop onstage for their first Anchorage show. I thought "what the heck? why not try?" So everyday for the first few days after sending the email, I checked my email on my phone like 10 times a day. I know, I know; a bit excessive, but come on... I was excited!! Then, after I figured that maybe I wasn't going to get a response (I know they are busy!!), the lovely Jen emailed me back!! YES!! And then, the opportunity of a life time manifested. She got me in contact with Janine, Ken's wife, who is also a hooper. Janine is usually the one who provides the awesome hoopness for their shows, but she was willing to share the stage with me, letting me LED hoop with them.
I was forever grateful. I felt like it was really nice for her to allow me to hoop onstage. I mean, she could have been pretty exclusive about it and just said no. I know there would have been some people out there like that, but she is an amazing lady and was super nice to me. We kept in contact until the show, color coordinating our outfits and talking about the game plan.
The weekend before the show, I went down to Anchorage to the MTS Gallery Goodbye Bash to watch my friends' band play, The Church of Flaming Funk, and decided to go to Chilkoot Charlie's where the TCM show was going to be and scope out the location. I had never been there, as I hardly ever go to Anchorage and usually, if I do, I am going to the Airport. I wanted to see what the stage was going to be like, and pretty much prepare myself for how much, or lack of, stage I was going to have. It seemed pretty decent, but I couldn't really tell as there was a band set-up- ie drums, guitar stands, microphones, ect.- already on the stage. Since I was there, I thought I would talk to the promoter of the show and see if I could get some flyers to post around the Valley since I literally had seen zero out there. He was on his way to work, so I decided to be naughty and have nice, greasy, bar food veggie Philly while I was waiting. Haha... it was reeeeally good by the way. He never showed up and I bugged the poor girl at the ID booth so much that she got the GM to come down and talk to me. He brought me a HUGE stack of flyers and postcards. For whatever reason, he seemed impressed that I wanted to post flyers for free. I told him that truthfully, I wanted to see an over 21 EDM scene flourish here and the only way that was going to happen would be to have big name djs like The Crystal Method come up here and that I was willing to do pretty much anything to help make that happen. I told him I would be willing to post flyers here in the Valley for any upcoming EDM shows since he didn't have anyone out here promoting. So, with flyers in hand, I went off to the Art Show to practice my LED hoop.
The next week was composed of practicing, finishing constructing my costume, and spreading flyers wherever I happened to be going that day. Even though the show was within the week, I figured even if only one person saw a flyer I posted and went to the show who otherwise wouldn't have known about it, I did my part. Plus, it wasn't that hard to post some flyers. I even recruited a guy at my work to post some flyers out in Knik where he lives and I never make it out to.
Finally, the weekend that I had been waiting for arrived. I had Friday off, so I had the whole day to mentally and physically prepare myself. I found out the night before that Janine's plane was going to be coming in late, so I was going to be hooping solo for a majority of the show. That was cool and all, but I was really excited that I was going to get to hoop with her. Butterflies swarmed in my stomach as the day passed by. I couldn't figure out a darn thing to do with my hair. My friend has given me some feather extensions a few days before and I was trying to find a way to accent them and not hide them. I wanted someone to french braid my hair, but couldn't find anyone that wasn't busy to do it and I didn't want to pay a salon to do it. So, I taught myself how to french braid in a little over an hour. I always wanted to learn; god bless YouTube haha.
I unveiled my outfit to my boyfriend as a first time previewer and he said that he liked it. I was a bit nervous because I literally based my whole outfit on a pair of legwarmers I purchased online that I had never actually seen before. But it all came together nicely and I was proud of myself for constructing it all out of some ordinary clothes making it into some awesome raver worthy gear.
Filled with anticipation, we arrived at the club with our VIP status (ie, double wrist bands haha) and headed into the bar to wait for the arrival of The Crystal Method. The promo said he was going to go pick them up around 11 and then he would come find us. In the meantime, we drank a beer and listened to the opening dj, DJ Luxor who was, ironically, also from Vegas. After looking at the current stage set-up, I got a little nervous as there was hardly any room to really hoop onstage. There was literally about four square feet of space at both sides of the dj booth and the ceiling height was about 7 feet. So much for any off the body stuff.
We kept seeing them bring all kinds of "dj worthy" goodies into a room and knew that they had to be going there. Which, later, I would find out consisted of organic fruits, veggies, vodka, and juices then a mixture of meatless cheeses and "meats." All of a sudden I saw Ken walking around, heading our way. I went up to him and said hello and somehow, he knew that I must have been the hooper girl (was it my unfashionably Alaskan raver wear?). He motioned us to follow him and ended up in the "VIP Room" formerly known as Koot's office. We- myself, boyfriend, and Ken- joked around about how that small office room was the Alaskan style VIP. The room was literally like 10x15. Probably the size of some of the bathrooms of the VIP rooms I am sure they have graced before. But it was all in good humor as we had a good laugh about it.
Scott and their roadie manager Josh, showed up not too long after and we all proceeded to discuss such things as Alaska, what to do, good food, and the like. During our chat, here rolls in the promo and saw us hanging out with the guys. He said he had looked all over for us and here we were. Guess I could go VIP by myself. Anyways, we also talked about how we used to go see them when we lived in Virginia, and we brought up some old memories for them of some pretty crazy times. The first place we saw them was at Nation Nightclub (RIP) in DC during the closing parties. They spun one hell of a set, I'll tell you, and ultimately got me hooked on their music ever since. Ken told us about how the first time the played there was back in '96- 10 years before that night we saw them in June/July of 2006. It was kind of, no *really* awesome, to just hear some of their stories and how Ken said that Nation was one of the craziest places they had ever played. That was something coming from guys that had played all over the world.
Before they went on, we talked about where they wanted me and what time I was to go on: after the first hour of their set, I was to hit the stage. Ahh... talk about anticipation. Ken also confirmed that Janine's flight wasn't suppose to come in until around 1:30am so that she would probably miss most of the show.
After an hour of jamming out to some pounding beats (and boy does Koots have a surprisingly bumping bass system), I grabbed my hoop out of coat check and made my way to the front. I took a deep breath and heading across the stage, turning on my LED as I got to my designated hoop corner. Looking out at the crowd, I let the music take me away and rocked out, an ear to ear grin overtaking my face. People up front found out quickly that they couldn't come too close, accidentally knocking a drink out of one guy's hand. I felt bad at first, but that quickly changed when he gave me a double thumbs up.
It was a complete rush to feel the energy of the crowd, the bass pumping through me as the hoop twirled around me with swirling colors. Unfortunately, hitting the wall and surrounding lights informed me of the certain lineup of tricks that would only be able to be used.
Pretty quickly, space awareness was installed and I hit things around me less and less. Every once in a while I would be really into the music, falling into a sort of trance, forgetting how little space I had, and the hoop ending up smashing into something or someone. Everyone was pretty chill about it though.
By the time Janine got their, it was the last hour of their set. I started off on the left side of the stage, but moved to the right side, so that she could have a little bit more room. The crowd really started to go wild when we both got up there and the guys put down some serious jams. It was definitely a spirit lifter, being able to be dance to some good, live EDM. That was something that I definitely missed since moving to Alaska.
At the end of the set, Ken led me and Janine off the stage towards the "VIP Room" and on the way, a guy stopped Janine and I, asking for our autographs. Now, I had never had anyone asked me for my autograph, but without even a small pause, I took his pen and signed away. Dare I say, I felt like a famous person or something. Back at the room, the guys and us talked again for quite some time. We found out they are making a new album which should come out by the end of the year. They have some songs that are going to be featured in a new movie, which they could not release any information about. We got some pics with them and Ken and Scott autographed a poster for me. In addition, they told us they would for sure be coming back to Alaska- and hopefully soon!!
All in all, looking back, it is almost like I was watching someone else's life during this whole experience. Like, I was present and all, but it was just so unbelievable and almost fantasy like, that to this day it seems unreal; like it didn't even happen or was all some part of a lucid dream. I will, however, *never* forget that night. NEVER. The energies and the pictures will always be an everlasting memory. I hope to keep in touch with Janine and maybe we will meet again sometime in the future. I can't wait for Ken and Scott to come back to Alaska. Hopefully it just won't be Trapper Creek weekend, again, and I can attend all the shows.
Here are a link to my pictures on photobucket. I uploaded all of them, good and bad. Unfortunately, we don't have a great camera, but I think boyfriend did a miraculous job working with what he had. Most of my videos are up on vimeo and youtube. Check them out and let me know what you think!!
I want to leave you with a bit of a moral here. Ever since I was a child, I always felt like no matter what, I could never exceed expectations. It wasn't purposeful, as in my family never meant to impose this on me, it was definitely accidental. But, I always felt like I needed to be better, do better, do more, ect. to get the love and attention that I needed/wanted. Why this manifested in me when the actions of those people were genuinely not in that direction, I do not know. There are a lot of things about myself, internal mysteries, that I have yet to uncover the story behind. The point here is my yoga and my hoop practices have brought so much growth, opportunities, and positivity to my life, that it makes me even more eager to share what I have experienced. Everyone should have the opportunity to live their dreams and participate in their most desired experiences. The fact that the hoop and even yoga mat can become catalysts in exploring and ultimately manifesting these dreams, well, that is just amazing and what soul fulfilling activities are all about.
So believe in yourself, believe in your dreams. The Universe will eventually provide, it just comes when you are ready. I know that, even if my performances with TCM and my friends of The Church of Funk do not lead to anything, in the future these experiences will benefit me, somehow. I just know it. It will help me feel comfortable and confident in all that I do, and maybe, lead me to other performance opportunities. If nothing else, I have some amazing memories to hold on to. And *that* is what is important.
It all started when about a month ago, I found out that my favorite dj duo, The Crystal Method, were coming to play a few shows in Alaska. I went to a lot of raves and EDM parties when I lived in Virginia, and I was a bit blown away when I got to Alaska and figured out the scene here consisted of minors and heady (aka egotistical) promoters. So, you can understand, when I found out some internationally know djs, like TCM, were coming here, I was *stoked*. More like ecstatic, but we won't go there. Ok, I ran around my house like a crazy woman when I found out screaming "The Crystal Method's coming. The Crystal Method's coming..."
Come to find out, they were playing both of their Anchorage shows on the same weekend as Trapper Creek Bluegrass, which is a huge festival-slash-camping party-slash-hoop massive. All of our friends go and we actually took part in setting up the festival grounds this year; my boyfriend helped build the fire stage and I, along with some other fine festival ladies, painted signs (like "Leave no trace, clean your space" and "Pick up your trash, please.") and also did some trash pick-up from stragglers that had been using the property since the last festival.
Anywho, so it was pretty much impossible for me to pick going to TCBG on both Friday and Saturday night and NOT go to TCM. I mean, I couldn't miss TCM's debut in Alaska; it just wouldn't be right. I also got a bit flustered because, well, the show was three weeks away and I had *just* found out about it? I mean, where were the promoters? I hadn't heard one radio announcement (though, I don't really ever listen to the radio, but boyfriend does), nor had I seen one flyer for the event here in the Valley. I figured, with it being Trapper Creek weekend and pretty much limited promoting, how was the turn-out going to be? Lots of people had to come to show their support or the guys would never come back to Alaska. To me, all of this meant, not a good turnout=no good djs EVER coming back up here. And I couldn't possibly let that happen!!
Meanwhile, I had this stupendous idea to email the road manager for TCM and just nonchalantly mention that I was an LED hooper and that I would love the chance to hoop onstage for their first Anchorage show. I thought "what the heck? why not try?" So everyday for the first few days after sending the email, I checked my email on my phone like 10 times a day. I know, I know; a bit excessive, but come on... I was excited!! Then, after I figured that maybe I wasn't going to get a response (I know they are busy!!), the lovely Jen emailed me back!! YES!! And then, the opportunity of a life time manifested. She got me in contact with Janine, Ken's wife, who is also a hooper. Janine is usually the one who provides the awesome hoopness for their shows, but she was willing to share the stage with me, letting me LED hoop with them.
I was forever grateful. I felt like it was really nice for her to allow me to hoop onstage. I mean, she could have been pretty exclusive about it and just said no. I know there would have been some people out there like that, but she is an amazing lady and was super nice to me. We kept in contact until the show, color coordinating our outfits and talking about the game plan.
The weekend before the show, I went down to Anchorage to the MTS Gallery Goodbye Bash to watch my friends' band play, The Church of Flaming Funk, and decided to go to Chilkoot Charlie's where the TCM show was going to be and scope out the location. I had never been there, as I hardly ever go to Anchorage and usually, if I do, I am going to the Airport. I wanted to see what the stage was going to be like, and pretty much prepare myself for how much, or lack of, stage I was going to have. It seemed pretty decent, but I couldn't really tell as there was a band set-up- ie drums, guitar stands, microphones, ect.- already on the stage. Since I was there, I thought I would talk to the promoter of the show and see if I could get some flyers to post around the Valley since I literally had seen zero out there. He was on his way to work, so I decided to be naughty and have nice, greasy, bar food veggie Philly while I was waiting. Haha... it was reeeeally good by the way. He never showed up and I bugged the poor girl at the ID booth so much that she got the GM to come down and talk to me. He brought me a HUGE stack of flyers and postcards. For whatever reason, he seemed impressed that I wanted to post flyers for free. I told him that truthfully, I wanted to see an over 21 EDM scene flourish here and the only way that was going to happen would be to have big name djs like The Crystal Method come up here and that I was willing to do pretty much anything to help make that happen. I told him I would be willing to post flyers here in the Valley for any upcoming EDM shows since he didn't have anyone out here promoting. So, with flyers in hand, I went off to the Art Show to practice my LED hoop.
The next week was composed of practicing, finishing constructing my costume, and spreading flyers wherever I happened to be going that day. Even though the show was within the week, I figured even if only one person saw a flyer I posted and went to the show who otherwise wouldn't have known about it, I did my part. Plus, it wasn't that hard to post some flyers. I even recruited a guy at my work to post some flyers out in Knik where he lives and I never make it out to.
Finally, the weekend that I had been waiting for arrived. I had Friday off, so I had the whole day to mentally and physically prepare myself. I found out the night before that Janine's plane was going to be coming in late, so I was going to be hooping solo for a majority of the show. That was cool and all, but I was really excited that I was going to get to hoop with her. Butterflies swarmed in my stomach as the day passed by. I couldn't figure out a darn thing to do with my hair. My friend has given me some feather extensions a few days before and I was trying to find a way to accent them and not hide them. I wanted someone to french braid my hair, but couldn't find anyone that wasn't busy to do it and I didn't want to pay a salon to do it. So, I taught myself how to french braid in a little over an hour. I always wanted to learn; god bless YouTube haha.
I unveiled my outfit to my boyfriend as a first time previewer and he said that he liked it. I was a bit nervous because I literally based my whole outfit on a pair of legwarmers I purchased online that I had never actually seen before. But it all came together nicely and I was proud of myself for constructing it all out of some ordinary clothes making it into some awesome raver worthy gear.
Filled with anticipation, we arrived at the club with our VIP status (ie, double wrist bands haha) and headed into the bar to wait for the arrival of The Crystal Method. The promo said he was going to go pick them up around 11 and then he would come find us. In the meantime, we drank a beer and listened to the opening dj, DJ Luxor who was, ironically, also from Vegas. After looking at the current stage set-up, I got a little nervous as there was hardly any room to really hoop onstage. There was literally about four square feet of space at both sides of the dj booth and the ceiling height was about 7 feet. So much for any off the body stuff.
We kept seeing them bring all kinds of "dj worthy" goodies into a room and knew that they had to be going there. Which, later, I would find out consisted of organic fruits, veggies, vodka, and juices then a mixture of meatless cheeses and "meats." All of a sudden I saw Ken walking around, heading our way. I went up to him and said hello and somehow, he knew that I must have been the hooper girl (was it my unfashionably Alaskan raver wear?). He motioned us to follow him and ended up in the "VIP Room" formerly known as Koot's office. We- myself, boyfriend, and Ken- joked around about how that small office room was the Alaskan style VIP. The room was literally like 10x15. Probably the size of some of the bathrooms of the VIP rooms I am sure they have graced before. But it was all in good humor as we had a good laugh about it.
Scott and their roadie manager Josh, showed up not too long after and we all proceeded to discuss such things as Alaska, what to do, good food, and the like. During our chat, here rolls in the promo and saw us hanging out with the guys. He said he had looked all over for us and here we were. Guess I could go VIP by myself. Anyways, we also talked about how we used to go see them when we lived in Virginia, and we brought up some old memories for them of some pretty crazy times. The first place we saw them was at Nation Nightclub (RIP) in DC during the closing parties. They spun one hell of a set, I'll tell you, and ultimately got me hooked on their music ever since. Ken told us about how the first time the played there was back in '96- 10 years before that night we saw them in June/July of 2006. It was kind of, no *really* awesome, to just hear some of their stories and how Ken said that Nation was one of the craziest places they had ever played. That was something coming from guys that had played all over the world.
Before they went on, we talked about where they wanted me and what time I was to go on: after the first hour of their set, I was to hit the stage. Ahh... talk about anticipation. Ken also confirmed that Janine's flight wasn't suppose to come in until around 1:30am so that she would probably miss most of the show.
After an hour of jamming out to some pounding beats (and boy does Koots have a surprisingly bumping bass system), I grabbed my hoop out of coat check and made my way to the front. I took a deep breath and heading across the stage, turning on my LED as I got to my designated hoop corner. Looking out at the crowd, I let the music take me away and rocked out, an ear to ear grin overtaking my face. People up front found out quickly that they couldn't come too close, accidentally knocking a drink out of one guy's hand. I felt bad at first, but that quickly changed when he gave me a double thumbs up.
It was a complete rush to feel the energy of the crowd, the bass pumping through me as the hoop twirled around me with swirling colors. Unfortunately, hitting the wall and surrounding lights informed me of the certain lineup of tricks that would only be able to be used.
Pretty quickly, space awareness was installed and I hit things around me less and less. Every once in a while I would be really into the music, falling into a sort of trance, forgetting how little space I had, and the hoop ending up smashing into something or someone. Everyone was pretty chill about it though.
By the time Janine got their, it was the last hour of their set. I started off on the left side of the stage, but moved to the right side, so that she could have a little bit more room. The crowd really started to go wild when we both got up there and the guys put down some serious jams. It was definitely a spirit lifter, being able to be dance to some good, live EDM. That was something that I definitely missed since moving to Alaska.
At the end of the set, Ken led me and Janine off the stage towards the "VIP Room" and on the way, a guy stopped Janine and I, asking for our autographs. Now, I had never had anyone asked me for my autograph, but without even a small pause, I took his pen and signed away. Dare I say, I felt like a famous person or something. Back at the room, the guys and us talked again for quite some time. We found out they are making a new album which should come out by the end of the year. They have some songs that are going to be featured in a new movie, which they could not release any information about. We got some pics with them and Ken and Scott autographed a poster for me. In addition, they told us they would for sure be coming back to Alaska- and hopefully soon!!
All in all, looking back, it is almost like I was watching someone else's life during this whole experience. Like, I was present and all, but it was just so unbelievable and almost fantasy like, that to this day it seems unreal; like it didn't even happen or was all some part of a lucid dream. I will, however, *never* forget that night. NEVER. The energies and the pictures will always be an everlasting memory. I hope to keep in touch with Janine and maybe we will meet again sometime in the future. I can't wait for Ken and Scott to come back to Alaska. Hopefully it just won't be Trapper Creek weekend, again, and I can attend all the shows.
Here are a link to my pictures on photobucket. I uploaded all of them, good and bad. Unfortunately, we don't have a great camera, but I think boyfriend did a miraculous job working with what he had. Most of my videos are up on vimeo and youtube. Check them out and let me know what you think!!
I want to leave you with a bit of a moral here. Ever since I was a child, I always felt like no matter what, I could never exceed expectations. It wasn't purposeful, as in my family never meant to impose this on me, it was definitely accidental. But, I always felt like I needed to be better, do better, do more, ect. to get the love and attention that I needed/wanted. Why this manifested in me when the actions of those people were genuinely not in that direction, I do not know. There are a lot of things about myself, internal mysteries, that I have yet to uncover the story behind. The point here is my yoga and my hoop practices have brought so much growth, opportunities, and positivity to my life, that it makes me even more eager to share what I have experienced. Everyone should have the opportunity to live their dreams and participate in their most desired experiences. The fact that the hoop and even yoga mat can become catalysts in exploring and ultimately manifesting these dreams, well, that is just amazing and what soul fulfilling activities are all about.
So believe in yourself, believe in your dreams. The Universe will eventually provide, it just comes when you are ready. I know that, even if my performances with TCM and my friends of The Church of Funk do not lead to anything, in the future these experiences will benefit me, somehow. I just know it. It will help me feel comfortable and confident in all that I do, and maybe, lead me to other performance opportunities. If nothing else, I have some amazing memories to hold on to. And *that* is what is important.
Life Irony + Cool Bing Art
It's funny when life plays tricks on you. You know; when things happen (or don't happen!!) that are just plain wrong and you can't help yourself but literally laugh at life? Sometimes it is not that big of a deal, sometimes it is. I, personally, think that laughing at the worst times in life just helps me stay sane. But, like recently, I have forgot to laugh and just let life get the best of me; stress, sleeplessness, lots of thinking....
Today, a pretty funny thing almost happened to me. One of those things that it was like "well, that's what I get for having this really great situation happen..." Almost a "rain on my parade" kind of thing. But, luckily I just literally sat in my car and laughed at the irony. It seems a lot of times in my life when things get really good, something messes it up. What I realized, however, was what can you really do? You can't change certain things, certain people, certain energies, but instead you can give that energy a 180 and just take a different outlook.
What I have learned in yoga, reading spiritually based books, and just doing a lot of self-study is that I can literally make or break a situation with what I make out of it. The more I associate with a problem, the more negativity I feed into it, making it worse than it is. But, today I saw it change before my eyes. Something that, when it came about, really freaked me out and sort of pissed me off, I brushed off and thought about the good side. And, what happened? It all worked out... That's right. There really was no problem. Ah... and the sound of relief.
With so much going on, sometimes we forget to just separate ourselves from a situation and look at the big picture. We focus on the small little bits and pieces that just make up a small portion of what it all is about. I mean really about. It's not about a light getting broken on a car, breaking up with your boyfriend, having skin problems, losing something in the mail; none of that is truly important. It's about who you are, what you are doing, and, ultimately, where you are heading. Those minor details are just a part of the ride; details that entertain us along the way, kind of like those license plate games you played as a kid: sometimes you get them, sometimes you don't.
Today I decided, that I am going to appreciate those minor bumps and bruises sprinkled in with the deliciousness of life. It seems right that I start writing in my journal again five things I appreciate everyday. You can never be too busy to appreciate and see things, especially those that are so often taken advantage of or over looked.
I am *sooooooooo* stoked about tomorrow night. I have my outfit finished and practiced in it some today with my LED. I refashioned a skirt and long sleeve t-shirt and I took a before picture so that I could post it with the after picture. I am pretty happy with it. Good especially considering I wasn't exactly sure how it was going to turn out, going into with out really any idea of what I wanted. I just kept thinking "tribal rave faerie" and it seems to have come out like that. My friend also put some awesome feather extensions in my hair on Tuesday. She gave me one with UV pink feathers, black iridescent feathers, and blacklight white sparkly strands and another with just the black feathers. It's pretty awesome.
I also got off work early today (yeah!!) and so I came home, sat on my back porch, and painted a painting I have been contemplating on doing for a while. At one point, I was watching the videos on Laura Hollick's site Soul Art Studio, and stopped at video 3 until I did my project. So, finally, I took the time and messed around with it. It came out great considering it had been a while since I have painted. It is not quite done yet, but when it is, I will post it and give a little background information. I recommend if you haven't been to Laura's site, that you do!! She is an amazing, inspirational lady.
On another note of art, the amazing pictures on this post are paintings from Franz Ackerman, an extremely talented German artist. His fabulous trippy subway was featured on the homepage of Bing today. I love Bing. The fact that everyday they show you something super awesome, is just freaking cool. Check out more of his stuff here.
Today, a pretty funny thing almost happened to me. One of those things that it was like "well, that's what I get for having this really great situation happen..." Almost a "rain on my parade" kind of thing. But, luckily I just literally sat in my car and laughed at the irony. It seems a lot of times in my life when things get really good, something messes it up. What I realized, however, was what can you really do? You can't change certain things, certain people, certain energies, but instead you can give that energy a 180 and just take a different outlook.
What I have learned in yoga, reading spiritually based books, and just doing a lot of self-study is that I can literally make or break a situation with what I make out of it. The more I associate with a problem, the more negativity I feed into it, making it worse than it is. But, today I saw it change before my eyes. Something that, when it came about, really freaked me out and sort of pissed me off, I brushed off and thought about the good side. And, what happened? It all worked out... That's right. There really was no problem. Ah... and the sound of relief.
With so much going on, sometimes we forget to just separate ourselves from a situation and look at the big picture. We focus on the small little bits and pieces that just make up a small portion of what it all is about. I mean really about. It's not about a light getting broken on a car, breaking up with your boyfriend, having skin problems, losing something in the mail; none of that is truly important. It's about who you are, what you are doing, and, ultimately, where you are heading. Those minor details are just a part of the ride; details that entertain us along the way, kind of like those license plate games you played as a kid: sometimes you get them, sometimes you don't.
Today I decided, that I am going to appreciate those minor bumps and bruises sprinkled in with the deliciousness of life. It seems right that I start writing in my journal again five things I appreciate everyday. You can never be too busy to appreciate and see things, especially those that are so often taken advantage of or over looked.
I am *sooooooooo* stoked about tomorrow night. I have my outfit finished and practiced in it some today with my LED. I refashioned a skirt and long sleeve t-shirt and I took a before picture so that I could post it with the after picture. I am pretty happy with it. Good especially considering I wasn't exactly sure how it was going to turn out, going into with out really any idea of what I wanted. I just kept thinking "tribal rave faerie" and it seems to have come out like that. My friend also put some awesome feather extensions in my hair on Tuesday. She gave me one with UV pink feathers, black iridescent feathers, and blacklight white sparkly strands and another with just the black feathers. It's pretty awesome.
I also got off work early today (yeah!!) and so I came home, sat on my back porch, and painted a painting I have been contemplating on doing for a while. At one point, I was watching the videos on Laura Hollick's site Soul Art Studio, and stopped at video 3 until I did my project. So, finally, I took the time and messed around with it. It came out great considering it had been a while since I have painted. It is not quite done yet, but when it is, I will post it and give a little background information. I recommend if you haven't been to Laura's site, that you do!! She is an amazing, inspirational lady.
On another note of art, the amazing pictures on this post are paintings from Franz Ackerman, an extremely talented German artist. His fabulous trippy subway was featured on the homepage of Bing today. I love Bing. The fact that everyday they show you something super awesome, is just freaking cool. Check out more of his stuff here.
Happiness, Mystical Creatures, and Cake
So, the next time I am depressed, I am going to make this Unicorn Cake!! I mean, really? What could be better than a freaking unicorn cake? A *VEGAN* Unicorn Cake!! Yep, that's right; this cake is vegan friendly.
The only problem I have with this recipe is you don't use a portion of the called for square cake. Somewhere I would need to find a use for some random pieces of cake. Or, maybe, I could just eat them. **Looks around** What leftover cake pieces? -smile-
Find the recipe here.
Tonight, I am practicing with my LED hoop for my performance. I actually have part of the day off tomorrow (yay!!), so I plan on dedicating a large part of my afternoon to trying to complete my costume for the performance. It will officially be the first ever complete outfit I designed. **Stoked** Pics to come soon!!
Hopefully I can record some of my practice tonight so I can post a new hoop video. I have been so damn busy lately, I haven't posted a vid in months. I suspect, however, that I will have a little bit more time after next week because I am training someone to do my job most days of the week at one job, and at the other, we have hired a few new people so I can only dream that I end up getting a few days off on the regular. Really need some time to dedicate to developing my hoop class curriculum and also just spending some time doing some internalized investigation. Hey, atleast I get to go to my yoga class tomorrow!!
EDM. Hooping. Yoga. Art.
Any questions? These four things, with the exception of hooping, have been an extremely important and influencial part of my being for a large amount of the recent years. When I started listening to dance music, it was purely for partying. But, then, it was as if a veil was lifted and I began to see the coincidences in my life, corresponding with the rhythm of the music. Techno, as many refer it, became a part of my everyday living; the soundtrack to my life. All of my favorite memories stem from listening to or attending an EDM (electronic dance music, for those who may not know) event.
Even the early stages of my yoga practice were scored by various dj setlists. It seemed automatic, authentic and natural that my life should be accompanied by dance music. I was drawn to multitudes of EDM related limbs, eventually leading to visionary artistry, astral body, chakras, and the astounding impact that music can have on the spiritual body. This, ultimately led to my favorite genre, psytrance. It is funny how one interest can lead to others, then, in an almost impossible way, make it self back around. You see, it all really is connected.
Hooping accented this journey through expansion by EDM, by giving me a creative outlet to explore my soul with movement to music that has opened my mind since the first day it pounded through my ears. I didn't even realize that a majority of the hooping community were ravers or were drawn to hooping at raves. It seeme like a funny coincidence, for sure. The hoop was literally making circles in my tree, leading back to the roots of my spiritual existance; EDM.
Ah, if only I could get the high that going to a rave, dancing with a room full of strangers, feeling the bass thump through my core, and creating that almost inner connection I get with the dj when they drop the track that takes my breath away, in every day situations. Yes, I can have spiritual experiences not at raves, but most seem to correspond with listening to music. Yesterday, while hooping to some Crystal Method, I found myself frozen to the ground, watching the newly sprouted grass blades dancing along, carried by the wind to the beat of my music. It was a purely nonchalant situation that gave me an intense feeling of interconnectiveness. Spurred, in my belief, from the musical influence the rhythms and energies of the music created.
Within all this babbling, there is a motive. I have the complete pleasure of informing you, my dear readers, that I have been given an opportunity of a life time; I will be performing on stage with one of the biggest musical influences in my life: The Crystal Method. The guys will be spinning at Chilkoot Charlies on May 27th. It truly will be a soul-lifting experience that I will for ever be grateful for.
I pour out the gratitude that I have inside to all of you hoopers, performers, fans, whoever, that *anything* is possible. If you believe and you give yourself permission to explore, amazing things will come to you. I also have the sacred circle to thank. If it wasn't for hooping, I may have not gotten this chance. Beautiful and inspiring things come when you allow yourself to be open to receiving. Even through all the muck, nastiness, unfairness, and dissapointment that life can throw at you, believe that there will always be that gorgeous, hopeful lotus growing magnificantly in the mud. You just have to get through the ugliness to experience the inner light.
TCM has been there through many hardships and good times in the last 10+ years of my life. I have seen them many times when I lived on the east coast. They put on a damn good show if I may say so myself. Now, in this moment of what I believed was a sort of low point, I get the chance to combine all my past times together to complete that circle of my passions. Hooping, art, yoga, and EDM, now uniform. It should be a life changing situation to be able to express myself within the hoop to the beats of my favorite djs.
Here I leave you with some videos footage of the shows that I attended that TCM played at.
First time I saw TCM at one of the hottest clubs in DC- Nation Nightclub (RIP)
Saw this show with my boyfriend and our friends Mike and Heather.
I had to include this video from Virgin Music Festival in Bmore because, well, can you blame me?
This was an amazing day let me tell you. Here is another amazing video from this day not related to TCM
Another favorite, Infected Mushroom with Matisyahu!! Amazing!! Ok back to TCM
Well, I have to say I was going to end this with a video from their show in Norfolk (my hometown) that I missed after I moved up to AK, but there is no video posted!! I mean, really? No one there even did one video? Aaaahhhh!! If I was there, I would have taken a video for sure!!
Oh well. Anyways, more updates on hooping and this performance coming soon!! Peace, love, light, and of course, hoops.
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Luke Brown |
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Luke Brown |
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Willow Arlenea |
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Michael Pukac |
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From LA Weekly |
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Willow Arlenea |
Here I leave you with some videos footage of the shows that I attended that TCM played at.
First time I saw TCM at one of the hottest clubs in DC- Nation Nightclub (RIP)
Saw this show with my boyfriend and our friends Mike and Heather.
I had to include this video from Virgin Music Festival in Bmore because, well, can you blame me?
This was an amazing day let me tell you. Here is another amazing video from this day not related to TCM
Another favorite, Infected Mushroom with Matisyahu!! Amazing!! Ok back to TCM
Well, I have to say I was going to end this with a video from their show in Norfolk (my hometown) that I missed after I moved up to AK, but there is no video posted!! I mean, really? No one there even did one video? Aaaahhhh!! If I was there, I would have taken a video for sure!!
Oh well. Anyways, more updates on hooping and this performance coming soon!! Peace, love, light, and of course, hoops.
The Crystal Method in Anchorage!!
And I will be there for sure. Bought my tickets tonight. Can. Not. Wait. First real DJs I have seen since I have been in Alaska. I have been on a serious life high all day today over this. Bubbly, giggly, and just plain ecstatic. Ah... I LOVE YOU SCOTT AND KEN <3 <3 <3.
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